Blogging is fun :-) Motivation for beginners (2020)

blogging is fun

Do you know the best thing about blogging? Blogging is fun and very satisfying.

To be very specific I like the keyword research and post writing part so much.

But why blogging can be fun and how to enjoy while blogging?

I know there are many things in blogging from Making a beautiful website, content creation, keyword research to backlinks, SEO and much more. Also, you have to make sure that your blog should earn as well with good traffic.

If you have to do these many things, then how blogging can be fun?

Well, the fun part is doing blogging itself.

There are two parts,

  1. War on the Search page
  2. Content creation

War on the search page: but blogging is fun, isn’t it?

Most of the time I see blogging as a war on the search page. Everyone who does blogging is fighting for ranking. Although exceptions for those who run nonprofitable organizations (Wikipedia is the best example)

It is true and worthy as well. Who doesn’t want to rank higher in the search results page? You will get traffic, you will get visitors, your sales will increase, you will make more money.

So, I know the war on the search page is completely fine.

But what is the problem with the war on the search page? Well, you will be dragged away from the things you like.

The best example is the Niche websites. I know Niche websites are awesome and can make money without much competition. But what is wrong with niche websites?

The problem is content creation. You will have to do great keyword research, you have to optimize your content. Once you find the content you have to write the content about which you even don’t know.

All you will be doing is copywriting. You will refer to other content, you have to do more tasks.

Well, sometimes that hard work pays off but not the way it came.

What if you don’t get good results? Your time will be wasted, and you will feel low. The reason is you spent your time and effort on something which you don’t even know.

So if the end result of blogging is depressive then how can you say blogging is fun?

Yes, Blogging is fun – let’s see how.

Well, when it comes to blogging there are many tasks as mentioned above.

First, you have to find out which task is simple and makes you feel comfortable. Try to focus on that first.

Personally, I like keyword research and writing content. Keyword research is my favorite job.

Because I like to play with data. I enjoy myself by seeing the war on the search page. Keyword research and how search engines rank them is a bit fascinating to know.

Enjoy yourself with keyword research

While keyword research you will come to know how people search, how querries are formed, which keywords work which doesn’t.

How people target certain keywords, and how some keywords are so important that Google is willing to pay hundreds of dollars via Adsense.

What is getting searched how much time, comparing the data, analyzing the data, making the list of useful data is my favorite job.

When I do keyword research, sometimes it feels like a journey to someone else mind.

How other people think, how world think about certain things. People get very creative with the keyword.

There are some queries which amaze me as well.

What about asking google, “where is my phone”.

This represents the involvement of technology and AI in our general life. The world is too big and full of creative people.

Keyword research shows the aspect of people looking for a solution to their problems or questions.

Overall keyword research makes me happy. As everyone knows keyword research is also a very important factor in your successful blog.

Hence researching a good quality keyword is also a challenging task.

Lucky blogger founds a great keyword.

Imagine you found the keyword with very low competition and high search volume.

I know you will do everything to rank for that keyword. Even though you don’t about that topic that also you will work hard.

Sooner this will become your habit. You will search for nice keywords, then build a meaningful blog and you will rank for it.

Ultimately you will start making a profit from that website aka blogging.

Humans are designed in a way that once they found the Mantra to success they will repeat it.

Even though you were not comfortable about certain topics than also you have written and made a profit. You will repeat this thing again and again.

You will make more money. Finally, a day will come when you will really going to enjoy your blogging journey.

In other words, you will love to create niche sites. You will be confident with your process of building a successful blog.

Once you enjoy doing everything, you will make the right decisions. Experience is the best thing to have. With the experience, you will make the right decision, and you will make a successful blog.

Non experienced bloggers and luck?

But, What if you don’t have experience?

Have you noticed something? All of the success came from good keyword research and that specific keyword.

Wasn’t that lucky? what if you wouldn’t have found that keyword? How was your expected blogging journey? Is your blogging journey depends on luck?


Here comes the second part, content writing.

Blogging is fun with your content writing.

Blogging is all about being in the game and not quitting in between.

Its all about enjoying the game. Once you started playing you have to enjoy the game of blogging.

It will make you a better person and a successful blogger

How to enjoy while blogging?

If you are new to blogging then let me tell you a secret. Yes, Blogging works and It is long term.

When I started my blogging way back in 2014, I was struggling with the topics and content writing.

It was frustrating to think about content, keyword, website design, and optimizing the website and doing SEO all at the same time.

But you know what works in the end. Keep writing the thing you like in the very first place.

Don’t start a niche website in the very first place. Blogging is an entirely different thing.

Before digging your head into blogging, you have to understand how it works.

You have to know what works, what now, which things are more worth spending time, which things can be managed later, and how you take blogging over the long period of time.

I spent my 60% time on designing the website.

Everyday day I was changing my theme and layout.

Now I know that spending a lot of time on designing is not important.

Just choose a theme which looks fine and start creating content.

But why type of content you will create?

Well, the answer is self-learning.

First, make your website is your book. As you don’t know anything about blogging so start learning.

As you learn document them as well. Use your blog for documenting.

Post the things which you know that works. Don’t post a faulty guide.

As you will learn your content base will grow. At the same time, you don’t even have to think about what you should write.

Since whatever you will learn you will write about it.

Be Curious.

Well, For getting success in blogging you have to be curious and passionate.

What is curiosity in blogging?

If you have questions then only you will find the answer to it. Suppose if want to add some features to your website.

You will search for it online. After that, you will read the guide regarding that question.

In answer to the question, you will find a few more doubts.

For Example, you have shown your blogpost to your friend. He said that it is not looking great. Then you will search “how to make awesome blogpost”.

You will read a guide to make an awesome blogpost. Meanwhile, you will learn how to optimize your blogpost.

At the same time you if follow everything in detail you will learn about SEO.

As you will progress, you will learn about website design, SEO, posts, Deepar Keyword research, and many more things

The key is first to express yourself and get comfortable with the tools. Then start optimizing your blog.

Don’t get frustrated in the starting. You have to go long.

Following are the main hurdle,

  1. You will sturggle to write about topics
  2. This gives an illusion of time waste.
  3. You won’t focus much and start doing random things.

How to overcome blogging hurdles?

  1. First, learn about the platform and tools.
  2. Log everything that you learn.
  3. Learn more things and SEO and start optimizing your website.
  4. Now you know how to write content properly.
  5. Again learn many things and log them but with proper SEO.
  6. Apply other aspects of SEO, Get backlinks and promote your blog.
  7. You will get your relavent audience 100%.

Repeat everything mentioned above.

Let’s get dirty and make blogging fun

Now you know how to setup a blog and survive the initial impact.

Come to the table and start keyword research.

Let the game begin to create a niche website.

Find keywords, make a website, write a focused post, promote your niche website, apply SEO and monetize it.

This sounds simple but it takes time. You will find your own way of getting success with blogging.

And You know what is the best part of me.

Writing, writing and more writing.

When I start to write, it diverts my attention from other things to only one thing.

One day I was having a head ache and very confused with the writing material.

And then I started writing this post.

Withing 1 hrs I was feeling very happy and motivated.

The more you write and learn, it will give your more benefits. And you will get addicted to it.

Once you will see that just know now you have created a great post, Start optimizing and post it.

Learn things from google.

Where to share your content, how to get views, traffic and whatever you want to learn just learn it and apply it.

But Remember to Be in the game. Don’t quite.

Your Blog is your second home.

And we love our home, isn’t it?

Give your love to bloggin, because blogging is fun.

Experience it.

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